Scoring The End Of The World by Motionless In White booklet front page Scoring The End Of The World by Motionless In White disk
Scoring The End Of The World by Motionless In White tray inlay front Scoring The End Of The World by Motionless In White tray inlay back


Aquired: June 2022 from Motionless In White online store

Favorite song: Cyberhex

I'm gonna be honest, I have very mixed feelings about this album. I pre-orderd it when it was first announced because I wanted to limited edition version and because I really like MIW. I heard Cyberhex when it was first released as a single a enjoyed it a lot! This made me very hopeful for what the rest of it would sound like, but first time I sat down and listend to it I absolutely hated it. I think that the instrumentals are really good, and I like the heavy industrial touch it has. The things that gets me are the lyrics. At the best I think that they are a tad uninspired, but as worst they make me roll my eyes. Meltdown and Slaughterhouse are the worst offenders and what most turn me off of the album. For Meltdown, the "all of humanity is a parasite of the earth" talking point in general irritates me a lot and this song is just that. For Slaughterhouse, it is singing about fighting against The Man even though you don't believe it because you want to look cool turned up to the max. You are a successful metalcore band made up of entirely of cishet white men what are you talking about.

I've slowly come around to STEOTW more and don't hate it to the point that it's unlistenable, but it's still my least favorite MIW album. If I had listened to it before I bought it I probably wouldn't have bothered adding it to my collection. Also, they should have made the aesthetic for this album cybergoth and not cyberpunk 2077 smh. I know that I'm just absolutely tearing this album to shreds but MIW is still one of my favorite bands I critcize them because I care about their work ❤️