Aquired: August 2021 from parents
Favorite song: Waiting Room
This is one of the first CDs I ever got from raiding my parents' CD/DVD cabinent. This was origninally my Dad's, and he says that he got it by actually sending in a money order and then getting it mailed to him. Now it's not weird to order something and get it mailed to you, but we can just do it over the internet with credit cards instead of having to physically put a check in an envelope and pray that it arrives to its destination. I take pride in knowing that this is one of the rarer things in my collection, especially since I found it in real life and not online, but I do sometimes feel bad that I don't listen to it more often. I don't want it to just be a collector's item, I actually want it to be used. It's just not really my type of music, but I still think that it's good and enjoy putting it on once and while.